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Rabu, 23 November 2011


Media in Teaching

Prepared by H. Mustafa Qamal SH,M.Ed

SMA Pelangi Nusantara Principal

Teaching process should become the nice moment which is waited by the students, not the horrible time to be escaped. In order to make it valued for students, we need to develop students who can use the knowledge they have learnt in order to do things in society, rather than just remember the content they have learnt. But we have an additional challenge. We have to develop students who are thoughtful and adaptable. They should be able to use their knowledge to solve the problems they face in society rather than simply being defeated by them.

Global changes emphasis on developing a better understanding of media and information is echoed internationally. As societies become 'knowledge' or 'information' societies, so our ability to understand, select and manipulate information (our ability to read critically and be media literate) becomes vital to our productivity and power in society. Worldwide, then, schooling is moving away from the dissemination of information towards teaching methods that develop students’ skills in accessing, selecting and understanding information. Invariably, this requires a move away from didactic forms of teaching towards student-centered teaching and towards analyzing the media messages that dominate our lives. On the other hand most of educators still have been conservative in the range of media resources they have used. They have tended to stick with textbooks.

Before choosing media, we have to consider some points. That media should be good resource-based teaching:

It should engage students’ interest and gets students thinking and talking.

It should link learner experience with new and unfamiliar educational concepts.

It should encourage active learning.

It should use different resources to develop increasingly higher levels of learning.

It should develop in-depth skills and knowledge within an integrated learning area

• It should develop other critical cross-field outcomes within all learning areas.

Popular Print Media

'Popular print media' is a term that describes a wide variety of media formats that include newspapers, magazines, billboards, and advertising flyers. Our focus will be magazines and newspapers, but even these are different enough to offer teachers a rich variety of potential teaching resources.

Both magazines and newspapers tell their stories' using similar formats (words, photographs, diagrams, graphics, cartoons, statistics, advertisements, letters from readers, horoscopes and puzzles), but they differ in important ways:

In general, magazines are concerned with entertaining their readers, while newspapersfocus more on informing readers .

Magazines contain many in-depth 'human interest' feature stories: stories aboutplaces or personalities. Newspapers, however, carry mainly short, 'hard news'stories with a few in-depth stories linked to the news and politics.

Magazines make more use of photographs (color fully and prominently, and carry more colorful adverts. Newspapers carry photographs of recent events, diagrams, graphs, maps and tables of statistics, weather, financial and entertainment information, and political cartoons and editorials linked to the latest news.

Popular print media offer good opportunities for improving learners' reading and writing skills in particular.

Popular Electronic

Popular electronic media provide teachers with excellent resources for improving language skills, such as listening and speaking. Like newspapers and magazines, radio and television also provide a rich resource base for enriching the teaching of content knowledge in different learning areas.

Television and radio carry a variety of formats. Many are common to both, such as advertising and news, but the different nature of each medium tends to favor particular formats:

Radio, for instance, is dominated by audio-based formats, such as music, talk shows and news.

Television, however, is dominated by formats that are visually strong, such as drama, news and documentaries.

Computers and Internet

Computers have rapidly become a familiar part of our lives. In many cases, computers (and the Internet) are spoken of as a new miracle cure to our educational problems.

Computer technologies are increasingly an essential component of any office or work environment. Even where we do not need to know how to use computers, it is useful to know how they work. For instance, cashiers at supermarkets ring up our purchases using computer technology; when we draw our money from ATMs we use computer technology; our microwave ovens measure their cooking time using computers: we live in a computerized world. In order to live socially useful lives, we need to become computer literate. Even where students don't actually learn to operate computers, they need to understand the role and functions of computers. In many ways it could be argued that computer literacy is becoming as important as the ability to read and write.

As computers become so widespread, so more and more of us will be directly employed in computer-related work. In this case, learning to operate computers is an important competency for all school students We can learn from computers. Computers function as a source of information, and can be used to expose students to topics and experiences beyond the classroom walls. Many people have argued that computers will replace teachers in classrooms because they can provide access to so much more information than any ordinary teacher can ever know. They can also be programmed to respond to every individual students' answers, so their teaching is also superior, at least in some ways, to that which most ordinary teachers could provide.


'We must abandon textbooks,' a teacher told us recently. 'They are old-fashioned, biased, and boring. But when we visit schools we see many teachers and learners who are dependent on textbooks. Their work plans are copied directly from the textbook's contents pages. The notes they ask learners to copy from the chalkboard are summaries of textbook chapters. Often they read to their classes directly from the textbook.

Textbooks are very useful educational resources. But they must be used well. In order to make the best use of textbooks within a media-rich teaching style, we need to understand how textbooks differ from the popular media resources we will use in our classroom.

Textbooks are designed in order to help people learn. Generally they are only used in educational institutions, such as schools or universities. Popular media have a number of different purposes. Some, like advertising leaflets, are designed to persuade, while the main functions of newspapers, magazines and television are to entertain and inform. When we read a magazine or watch television or read a novel, we do so mainly for enjoyment. Sometimes we listen to the radio or watch television or read a newspaper to keep up-to-date about current affairs. This could be regarded as educative, but only in an informal sense.

Textbooks are selections of the content required to learn and teach a particular subject or learning area at a particular level of study. Good textbooks organize this information in a manner that encourages learning. So, event though so many modern and high-tech media which can be used in teaching, we are still need a good textbooks become our guide.

Implementation at SMA Pelangi Nusantara

In order to improve teaching method, enrich student knowledge and give comfortable and modern circumstances in learning process, our beloved school, SMA Pelangi Nusantara have already adopted multimedia and information technology. For some subjects teacher presents their module using laptop and projector. Materials are taken from any resources, for example electronic books, movies and any other interesting resources.

By using multimedia method, we hope our students feel comfortable, satisfy and recall for every point in transferring knowledge. Some benefits which we can take for these methods are the learning process become more attractive, interactive, and inspirative. Besides, our students feel proud and always high-tech updated.

Our school also has computer lab that has aim to prepare our students has basic ability in computer science. They can use this ability to compete in their future life at working arena. We hope SMA Pelangi Nusantara outcomes the well-prepared human resources.


Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011


celebration 100% graduated

releasing student by bupati KKR

SMA Pelangi Nusantara Terbaik se-Kalbar

Sungai Raya –

Momok menakutkan saat menghadapi Ujian Nasional (UN) yang biasa dihadapi para pelajar SLTA/MAN/SMK negeri atau swasta, sepertinya tidak berlaku di Kabupaten Kubu Raya. Kabupaten termuda di Kalimantan Barat ini terbukti mencatatkan prestasi membanggakan, dengan persentase total kelulusan mencapai 99,35 persen dari total 2.609 peserta.

SMA Swasta Pelangi Nusantara yang terletak di Desa Punggur, Kecamatan Sungai Kakap, tujuh tahun berturut-turut berhasil meluluskan 100 persen anak didiknya. Bahkan pada tahun ini SMA tersebut berhasil menduduki peringkat pertama di Kalbar untuk lulusan terbaik.

"Alhamdulillah, tahun ini kita kembali berhasil meluluskan seluruh siswa kita dalam UN yang berjumlah 79 orang siswa. Bahkan tahun ini kita berhasil mendapatkan peringkat pertama untuk kelulusan UN," kata Kepala Sekolah SMA Pelangi Nusantara, Mustafa Qamal.

Menurutnya, prestasi tersebut tak terlepas berkat dukungan orangtua siswa, yang selalu bekerja sama dengan baik dengan pihak sekolah. Kesiapan siswa, dan kerja keras guru menjadi salah satu faktor pendukung keberhasilan tersebut.

Mustafa merincikan, nilai siswa dalam UN tahun ini rata-rata mencapai angka sembilan dengan variasi nilai tujuh dan delapan, untuk semua mata pelajaran. Hal tersebut yang mengantarkan sekolah ini mendapat peringkat pertama untuk kategori sekolah swasta dan sekolah swasta/negeri kabupaten/kota se-Kalimantan Barat.

Meski dengan berada jauh di pelosok desa, namun sekolah tersebut berhasil meraih prestasi gemilang. "Kunci keberhasilan itu ada di tangan siswa," ucapnya.

Dalam menghadapi UN, tak ada perlakuan khusus kepada para siswa dari pihak sekolah. Try out yang menjadi kegiatan rutin, tetap dilakukan pihak sekolah. Hanya saja, ada satu hal unik yang ditanamkan pihak sekolah kepada murid-muridnya, hingga mengantarkan para siswa di sana lulus 100 persen.

"Kita selalu menanamkan kepada siswa agar tidak menganggap luar biasa UN. Selama ulangan harian dan ujian akhir sekolah siswa selalu mendapatkan nilai baik, maka kita selalu menanamkan kepada siswa agar memperlakukan UN seperti menghadapi ulangan harian," ujar Mustafa.

Karena tidak ada beban dalam diri siswa, hal tersebut memotivasi siswa Pelangi Nusantara selalu siap menghadapi ujian.

Hal lain, dengan menjaga kedekatan antara guru dan siswa. Sebagai kepala sekolah, Mustafa mewajibkan seluruh guru mengaktifkan nomor HP, agar kapan saja siswa bisa berkonsultasi dengan guru.

"Kita juga memanfaatkan media Facebook dan twitter serta Yahoo Masengger sebagai media komunikasi antara guru dengan siswa. Biarpun tengah malam, jika siswa akan berkonsultasi mengenai pelajaran, guru wajib meladeni siswa," katanya.

Berkat hal tersebut, meski berada di daerah pedesaan, namun SMA Pelangi Nusantara mampu memberikan pendidikan terbaik bagi siswanya.

Lanjut Mustafa, sebagai lembaga pendidikan, sekolah tersebut selalu menanamkan kepada siswa mereka untuk terus melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang lebih tinggi.

"Kewajiban kita tidak hanya mengantarkan siswa lulus SMA, tetapi kita juga akan menggiring mereka memasuki perguruan tinggi. Tahun lalu 80 persen siswa di sini melanjutkan ke jenjang strata satu, dan pada tahun ini kita menargetkan 90 persen siswa bisa kuliah," ujarnya. (oen)

Pemkab Apresiasi SMA Swasta Pelangi Nusantara

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011 , 10:02:00
SUNGAI RAYA—Pemerintah Kubu Raya memberikan apresiasi setinggi-tingginya kepada SMA Pelangi Nusantara yang berhasil meluluskan para siswanya selama tujuh tahun berturut-turut mengikuti ujian nasional (UN). "Jelas, prestasi ini harus dipertahankan SMA Pelangi. Apalagi tahun ini menduduki peringkat pertama hasil kelulusan UN di Kalimantan Barat," kata Bupati Kubu Raya, Muda Mahendrawan ketika menghadiri kegiatan pelepasan siswa SMA Pelangi Nusantara di Desa Punggur, Kecamatan Sungai Kakap, Jumat (20/5).

Dia mengatakan sebaiknya sekolah lain di Kabupaten Kubu Raya dapat mengikuti sistem pendidikan di SMA Swasta Pelangi Nusantara yang mengedepankan kedekatan antara murid dan guru. “Saya menilai kedekatan antara guru dan murid memang perlu ditingkatkan khususnya dalam melakukan diskusi tentang pelajaran. Karena dengan demikian siswa lebih mudah menanyakan hal-hal yang kurang dipahami dalam pelajaran," ujarnya. Bupati Muda menambahkan Pemkab siap membantu sarana dan prasarana fisik sekolah SMA Swasta Pelangi Nusantara yang kurang memadai. Pemerintah akan mencoba menganggarkan bantuan pembenahan sarana fisik di sekolah ini. “Kalau bantuan dikucurkan, kita terus berharap sekolah ini dapat meningkatkan lagi prestasinya. Paling tidak bisa mempertahankan apa yang selama ini sudah dicapai," ucapnya.

Ditempat terpisah, Kepala SMA Swasta Pelangi Nusantara, Mustafa Qamal mengatakan pihaknya akan terus mempertahankan prestasi para anak didiknya. Dan ini juga menjadi komitmen seluruh pengajar di tempatnya. Pihak sekolah juga sudah melakukan kesepakatan dengan para orang tua siswa agar terus meningkatkan kerjasama mendidik para siswa di sana. “Kalau ingin berhasil tentu antara sekolah dan orang tua harus meningkatkan kerjasama, karena pendidikan itu tidak hanya dilakukan di sekolah dan orang tua memiliki peran utama dalam mendidik anak-anaknya," ujar Mustafa.
Dia menerangkan, salah satu kunci keberhasilan sekolah yang dipimpinnya adalah semangat dan kinerja dari para tenaga pengajar di sekolahnya. Tidak kurang 90 persen tenaga pengajar adalah asli warga Desa Punggur. Itu yang mengakibatkan para guru semangat mengajar. Apalagi para guru di sini memiliki kewajiban penuh menyukseskan siswanya," ucap Mustafa.

Mantan anggota DPRD Kubu Raya ini menyampaikan ucapan terima kasihnya kepada pemerintah Kubu Raya yang akan memberikan prioritas utama kepada SMA Pelangi Nusantara, atas prestasi yang telah didapat selama ini. “Karena ini, sekolah swasta tentunya butuh bantuan dari pemerintah tidak seperti sekolah negeri. Namun karena SPP di sini sangat murah, sehingga hanya cukup untuk menggaji guru, sementara untuk membangun sekolah ini jelas sangat kesulitan dan untuk itu kita sangat mengharapkan bantuan pemerintah untuk membangun sekolah ini," ucapnya. (den)

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011


NOMOR : 76 /02.017/VII/2010
I. Menimbang :
1. Bahwa dalam mendukung kelancaran proses belajar mengajar yang kondusif diperlukan Kode Etik bagi siswa.
2. Bahwa kode etik siswa merupakan peraturan yang mengatur hak-hak dan kewajiban siswa SMA Pelangi Nusantara.
3. Bahwa kode etik siswa ini diberlakukan bagi semua siswa dan siswi SMA Pelangi Nusantara. agar dapat dihayati dan dilaksanakan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku
II. Mengingat :
1. Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional
2. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan.
3. Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 19 Tahun 2007 tentang Standar Pengelolaan Pendidikan Oleh Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah.
4. Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 20 Tahun 2007 tentang Standar Penilaian
5. Surat Keputusan Direktur Djendral Manajemen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah Nomor 576 Tahun 2006 tentang Laporan Hasil Belajar


Alamat : Jln.Syuhada No.02 Punggur 78381 Kab. Kubu Raya
Kalimantan Barat

NOMOR : 75 /02.017/VII/2010


I.Menimbang :
1. Bahwa kode etik Guru,Tata Usaha dan Pegawai merupakan peraturan yang mengatur, sikap, perkataan dan perbuatan siswa SMA Pelangi Nusantara.
2. Bahwa kode etik Guru,Tata Usaha dan Pegawai diberlakukan bagi semua guru, tata usaha dan pegawai SMA Pelangi Nusantara agar dapat dihayati dan dilaksanakan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku


01. Nama Lengkap : H.MUSTAFA QAMAL SH. M.Ed

02. Tempat /Tgl.Lahir : Punggur / 21-04-1966.

03. A l a m a t : Jln.Pelita I No.103 Punggur Kecil Kec.S.Kakap Pontianak Kalimantan Barat. 78381

04. Nomor Telpon/HP. : 081399006123

05. Pendidikan :

SD 1979
SMP 1982
STM 1985

Fak Teknik UPB. 1986

Goethe Institut Surabaya 1989

Akademie Klausenhof Jerman 1989

Universitat Munster Jerman 1992
Universitas Tanjungpura 2001

06. A g a m a :I s l a m.

07. Riwayat Pekerjaan :

1986 PNS Pemda Kalbar

1986 Guru SMP KN

1995 Guru SMA PGRI Punggur

1996 Kepala SMA Pelangi Nusantara

1997 Ketua Lembaga Islamic Centre Punggur.

1999 Ketua MKGR Kab.Pontianak

1999 Anggota DPRD Kab.Pontianak

2001 Temenggung Kerajaan Pontianak

2004 Anggota DPRD Kab.Pontianak

2008 Wakil Ketua DPD Golkar Kab.Kubu Raya

2009 Anggota DPRD Kab.Kubu Raya.

2011 Ketua Asosiasi Sekolah Swasta

Falsafah Hidup : Jaya di Dunia Sempurna di Akhirat

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